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Erika Yu–Our 2020 Adventure

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 2020 has been a roller coaster, but we got through the year.  Many things have happened and changed in just a year.  In the beginning of March, we started getting quarantined, wearing

masks, and having online school.  It all seemed unusual at first but we are slowly starting to get used to it.  This drawing shows everything we had to do and go through during this pandemic. 

For most of our day time, we are on our computers and devices doing online class with our teachers and classmates.  Whenever we went out, we had to stay 6 feet apart from each other, and had

to do way more cleaning than before.  We also made sure that we washed our hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with water and soap.  Huge thanks to the people who have helped out

during this hard time.  I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.  Stay Strong and we will get through this together!  

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